Chinese Massage

Massage is not simply regarded as a mean of relaxation but as an important component of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM). Chinese massage involves applying various manipulations to stimulate the soft tissues, stretch the muscles and mobilize the joints.

Basic Techniques of Chinese Massage

In Chinese massage application, standard massage plans are primarily composed of simple basic techniques, with specific force, frequency, moving direction and duration according to the particular massage plan. A proficient massage therapist has to undergo extensive training and practice to master a variety of massage techniques.


Health Benefits of Massage Therapy

Chinese massage involves applying various manipulations to stimulate the soft tissues, stretch the muscles and mobilize the joints. The stress applied by massage techniques acting locally can promote blood circulation and remove stagnations, restore impaired soft tissues and correct bone and joint deformities. In addition, despite being applied to the…


Massage and Acupressure References

Chinese massage promotes blood and qi flows, smoothes meridians and regulates organs, and thus benefits the overall physical condition. For general health maintenance, there are some acupressure techniques that you can do yourself. The techniques are simple and fairly easy to learn. Generally, you just need to select an appropriate…
