TCM Glossary

TCM glossary collects terms or topics relevant to the contents of our website. In order to provide better access, the terms are listed in both English and Chinese phonetic alphabets, and the explanations are written in English and Chinese. The contents will be revised and updated regularly.

Sorted by English Names

Sorted by Chinese Names

Acupoint a shi xue 阿是穴
Acupoint injection ba duan jin 八段錦
Anorexia ba huo guan 拔火罐
Apoplexy bai dai 白帶
Arrival of qi bai dian feng 白癜風
A-shi point ban biao ban li 半表半裏
Assistant herbs beng lou 崩漏
Astringency bi zheng 痹症
Bezoar bian hou 扁瘊
Bi syndrome bian zheng 辨証
Bone atrophy syndrome biao li tong bing 表裏同病
Bone flaccidity syndrome biao xu 表虛
Breath shortness biao zheng 表証
Carbuncle bing xie 病邪
Channel bi syndrome bu fa 補法
Chest oppression chao re 潮熱
Cold damage chen mai 沉脈
Cold evil chen yao 臣藥
Cold pain chi mai 遲脈
Collapse of yang chong mai 衝脈
Collapse of yin chuang yang 瘡瘍
Conception Vessel cou li 腠理
Confluence of all yang meridians cu zhong 卒中
Consumptive disease cun, guan, chi 寸關尺
Counterflow of qi dan du 丹毒
Cun, guan, chi dan tian 丹田
Cupping dao han 盜汗
Damp-heat evil de qi 得氣
Damp turbidity du mai 督脈
Dampness disease er zhen liao fa 耳針療法
Dampness evil feng shi 風濕
Dan tian feng xie 風邪
Deep pulse fu mai 浮脈
Deficient asthma gan ji 疳積
Deficient disharmony pattern gu suo bing 骨縮病
Deficient pulse gu wei 骨痿
Deficient syndrome of superficies gua sha 刮痧
Delirium han xie 寒邪
Diarrhea hong mai 洪脈
Disharmony pattern/ diagnostic pattern/ syndrome hua 化
Dryness evil hua mai 滑脈
Dryness-heat syndrome huang dan 黃疸
Dyspnea huang shui chuang 黃水瘡
Eight-length brocade exercise huo re 火熱
Embryo ji cou 肌腠
Endogenous cold syndrome jie mai 結脈
Endogenous dampness syndrome jin mai 緊脈
Endogenous dryness syndrome jing 精
Endogenous heat syndrome jing ming zhi fu 精明之府
Endogenous wind syndrome jiu fa 灸法
Entering a quiet state jiu zha bi 酒糟鼻
Enuresis jun huo 君火
Erysipelas jun yao 君藥
Essence lao juan 勞倦
Excess disharmony pattern leng tong 冷痛
Excess pulse li ji hou zhong 裏急後重
Exogenous diseases li qi 癘氣
Exogenous evils li zheng 裏証
Extra points liu fu 六腑
Fearful throbbing liu zhen 留針
Febrile disease mai bi 脈痹
Fire & heat evils mai zhen 脈診
Five constituents ming men 命門
Five movements and six influences na dai 納呆
Five zang organs nian zhuan 捻轉
Floating pulse nei feng 内風
Genuine qi nei han 内寒
Governor Vessel nei re 内熱
Guide herbs nei shang 内傷
Half exterior & half interior nei shi 内濕
Healthy energy nei zao 内燥
Heart energy niu huang 牛黃
Hectic fever niu pi xian 牛皮癬
Herpes zoster ping mai 平脈
Hesitant pulse qi chuan 氣喘
Holistic approach qi duan 氣短
Hysteria qi gong 氣功
Impetigo qi hua氣化
Inborn qi qi qiao 七竅
Infantile malnutrition qi qing 七情
Internal injury qi xue 奇穴
Jaundice qi ni 氣逆
Knotted pulse re du 熱毒
Leukorrhea ren mai 任脈
Limb numbness ru jing 入靜
Massage therapy san yin 三因
Metrorrhagia se mai 澀脈
Minister herbs shang han 傷寒
Ministerial fire she chuan chuang 蛇串瘡
Monarch fire shen 神
Monarch herbs shi bing 濕病
Morning diarrhea shi mai 實脈
Moxibustion shi re 濕熱
Muscular striae shi wen ge 十問歌
Needle retention shi xie 濕邪
Night sweats shi yao 使藥
Normal pulse shi zheng 實証
Nutrient essence shi zhuo 濕濁
Organ systems of TCM shou lian 收斂
Orifices shu mai 數脈
Otopuncture therapy shu xue 腧穴
Over-heated stomach shui gu jing wei 水谷精微
Overstrain shui zhen 水針
Palpitation si zhi ma mu 四肢麻木
Pathogen / evil sui hai 髓海
Pericardium tai dong bu an 胎動不安
Pestilential evil tai ji quan 太極拳
Phlegm tai yuan 胎元
Phlegm-dampness tan 痰
Primordial yin tan shi 痰濕
Protective qi
Prurigo tian gui 天癸
Psoriasis tui na 推拿
Pulse study tuo gang 脫肛
Qi transformation wai gan 外感
Qi-gong wai xie 外邪
Rapid pulse wang yang zheng 亡陽証
Rectum prolapse wang yin zheng 亡陰証
Reducing method wei fen zheng 衛分証
Rolling pulse wei qi 衛氣
Rosacea wei re 胃熱
Scraping wen bing 溫病
Sea of marrow wu geng xie 五更泄
Seminal emission wu ti 五體
Seven emotions wu yun liu qi 五運六氣
Simultaneous exterior and interior wu zang 五臟
Six fu organs xi mai 細脈
Slow pulse xian mai 弦脈
Spirit/ mind/ vitality xiang huo 相火
Spontaneous sweating xie fa 瀉法
Stirring fetus xie xie 泄瀉
Striae xin bao luo 心包絡
Supprative and ulcerous disease xin fan 心煩
Supreme Ultimate Fist xin ji 心悸
Surging pulse xin qi 心氣
Syndrome differentiation xu chuan 虛喘
Syndromes of exterior xu huo 虛火
Syndromes of interior xu lao 虛勞
Taut pulse xu mai 虛脈
Ten Questions Song xu zheng 虛証
Tenesmus xue feng chuang 血風瘡
Tense pulse yang qi 陽氣
The house of essential substances yang xu 陽虛
Thoroughfare Vessel yang xu er han 陽虛而寒
Thready pulse yi jing 遺精
Three kinds of pathogenic agents yi niao 遺尿
Tian gui yin xu 陰虛
Tonification yin xu huo wang 陰虛火旺
Toxic heat yin ye 陰液
Transformation ying fen zheng 營分証
Twirling and rotating technique yong 癰
Verruca plana you mu 疣目
Verruca vulgaris yuan qi 元氣
Virtual fire zang fu 臟腑
Vital gate zang zao 臟躁
Vitiligo zao re 燥熱
Wei fen syndrome zao xie 燥邪
Wind evil zhan yu 譫語
Wind-dampness zhen qi 真氣
Yang deficiency zhen yin 真陰
Yang qi zheng chong 怔忡
Yang vacuity with internal cold zheng hou 証候
Yin deficiency zheng qi 正氣
Yin fluid zheng ti guan nian 整體觀念
Yin vacuity with internal heat zhu yang zhi hui 諸陽之會
Yin fen syndrome zi han 自汗
zuo yao 佐藥


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