7. Leg Tai Yang Bladder Meridian


Bladder meridian

Bladder meridian

The Bladder Meridian starts at the inner side of the eye and goes across the forehead to reach the top of the head where it branches into the brain. The main channel then goes across the back of the head and divides into two branches. One branch crosses the center of the base of the neck and extends downwards parallel to the spine. Once in the lumbar region (bottom of the spine), it branches out to reach the bladder. The other branch crosses the back of the shoulder and runs downward on the outside, which is adjacent and parallel to the inner branch. It continues down until it reaches the buttocks where two branches run across the back of thigh along different pathways that join at the back of the knee. The joint meridian then continues along the back of the lower leg, circles behind the outer ankle, runs along the outside of the foot and terminates on the lateral side of the tip of the small toe, where it connects with the Kidney Meridian.


Disharmony of the Bladder Meridian can lead to problems of TCM bladder dysfunction. It is often related to symptoms caused by external pernicious influences (outside influences that cause disease such as cold, wind, fire, dampness, dryness and summer heat). Because the Tai Yang Meridian is considered the most exterior, it is the first meridian to be invaded if there is any external attack. Therefore, its disharmony can cause symptoms such as difficult urination, incontinence, painful eyes, runny nose, nose bleeding and nasal congestion. Pain in the head, neck, back, groin and buttock areas indicate disharmony in the Bladder Meridian pathway.

Main indications:

Acupuncture points in this meridian are indicated for diseases in the head, neck, eyes, back, groin and lower limbs as well as certain and mental illnesses. They are also recommended for symptoms along the meridian pathway.

Leg Tai Yang Bladder Meridian

Leg Tai Yang Bladder Meridian


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