All Posts tagged menopause

Menopause Basics

Menopause usually happens between 45-55 years of age, and should be considered a transitional phase in a woman's life. Women during menopause have to face many new challenges, particularly in the area of health. As the changes that bring menopause are associated with a decline in physical functioning, the body…


TCM Herbal Treatment

Most women reach menopause between the ages of 45 and 55, however, the entire transition period can take 10 to 15 years. Because the hormonal changes are so erratic, a host of signs can appear and interfere with day-to-day life. Menopause should be treated as a natural event, not a…


Menstrual Irregularities

When approaching menopause, as ovulation becomes more irregular, the body’s sensitive hormonal rhythm becomes unsettled and menstruation may vary from month to month. The intervals may be longer or shorter, menses flow may be scanty or profuse, and some periods may even be skipped. Moreover, the physical changes accompanying the…
